Customizing CDR Indication for Call Success or Failure based on Responses
The CDR can indicate if a call was a success ("yes") or failure ("no"), using the 'Call Success' CDR field. This is an optional field that you can include in CDRs, by customizing the CDR format (as described in Customizing CDRs for SBC Calls).
The Device determines if a call is a success or failure based on the release (termination) reason of the call, which can be a SIP response code received from the SIP User Agent or an internal response generated by the device. However, you can change the Device's default mapping of call success and failure with these responses. For example, by default, the Device considers a call that is released with a SIP 404 (Not Found) response as a call failure (i.e., 'Call Success' CDR field displays "no"). Using this feature, you can configure the Device to consider SIP 404 responses as a call success.
To customize CDR indication for call success and failure: |
Open the Call Detail Record Settings page (Troubleshoot menu > Troubleshoot tab > Call Detail Record folder > Call Detail Record Settings). |
To customize call success or failure indication for SIP reasons: |
In the 'Call Success SIP Reasons' [CallSuccessSIPReasons] field, configure the SIP response codes that you want the Device to consider as call success. |
In the 'Call Failure SIP Reasons' [CallFailureSIPReasons] field, configure the SIP response codes that you want the Device to consider as call failure. |
If your configuration results in overlapping reasons between the two parameters above, preference is given to the parameter with the specific response code instead of the parameter with the range ("xx"). For example, if 'Call Success SIP Reasons' is configured to "404,5xx" and 'Call Failure SIP Reasons' to "502", a call with SIP response code 502 is considered a call failure, as the 'Call Failure SIP Reasons' parameter is configured with the specific code while the 'Call Success SIP Reasons' is configured with the code range (5xx). |
By default, the Device considers these SIP response codes as a call success: |
No answer (452 and 487) |
Forwarded (300, 301, 302, 303, and 305) |
For all other SIP failure response codes, the Device considers them as call failure.
To customize call success or failure indication for internal reasons: |
In the 'Call Success Internal Reasons' [CallSuccessInternalReasons] field, configure the internal response codes that you want the Device to consider as call success. |
In the 'Call Failure Internal Reasons' [CallFailureInternalReasons] field, configure the internal response codes that you want the Device to consider as call failure. |
For a list of the internal response codes, see the 'Termination Reason' [410] CDR field in CDR Field Description.
To customize call success or failure indication for the internal response "GWAPP_NO_USER_RESPONDING" (18) before or after call connect (SIP 200 OK): |
From the 'No User Response Before Connect' [NoUserResponseBeforeConnectSuccess] drop-down list, select Call Failure if you want the Device to consider a call as a failure when this response is received before call connect. |
From the 'No User Response After Connect' [NoUserResponseAfterConnectSuccess] drop-down list, select Call Success if you want the Device to consider a call as a success when this response is received after call connect. |
To customize call success or failure indication for the internal response 'RELEASE_BECAUSE_CALL_TRANSFERRED' (807) before or after call connect (SIP 200 OK): |
From the 'Call Transferred before Connect' [CallTransferredBeforeConnectSuccess] drop-down list, select Call Success if you want the Device to consider the call as a success when this response is received before call connect (SIP 200 OK). |
From the 'Call Transferred after Connect' [CallTransferredAfterConnectSuccess] drop-down list, select Call Failure if you want the Device to consider the call as a failure when this response is received after call connect (SIP 200 OK). |